Sustainable Tourism Law

LEGAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 247 Indeed, training is a sine qua non when employing workers. Examples include: (a) The Employment and Industrial Relations Act 24 particularly Article 26(4) thereof which defines “offering employment” to include “recruitment or training of any person with a view to engagement in employment ”. (b) The Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act 25 obliges the employer to provide a safe system of work which includes training of employees with regard to health and safety. Should a worker be injured at the place of work due to the fact that one was not appropriately trained, the employer shall be held fully liable. X. PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The Copyright Act 26 is also an integral part of sustainability principles, whereby an enterprise is required to protect and respect intellectual property rights. XI. REDUCING NEGATIVE IMPACTS TO THE ENVIRONMENT This sub-heading includes a spectrum of responsibilities including the safeguarding of wildlife species. These can only be harvested from the wild, consumed, displayed, sold or internationally traded as part of a regulated activity that ensures that their utilization is sustainable. This criterion covers many national laws and EU Directives, under the main heading of the Environment Protection Act 27 , and has one hundred and twenty Subsidiary Legislations pertaining thereto. The Subsidiary Legislations include the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitat Protection Regulations 28 , and Protection of Wild Rabbits 29 . 24 Chapter 452 of the Laws of Malta. 25 Chapter 424 of the Laws of Malta. 26 Chapter 415 of the Laws of Malta. 27 Chapter 549 of the Laws of Malta. 28 Subsidiary Legislation 549.44 of the Laws of Malta. 29 Subsidiary Legislation 549.90 of the Laws of Malta.