Sustainable Tourism Law

300 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW This is a reasonable measure, during a limited period of time within which a review of the General Urban Development Plan will take place, that will be able to provide a solution to the situation of the cities. During this same period, studies about the impact of this activity on the tourism sector will be carried out, and different changes that should be applied to the regulation will be determined in order to give a response to this new reality. Zoning of the Urban Plan. This zoning was carried out in Barcelona after licence granting was ceased (moratorium). It was performed through the development of a Special Tourist Accommodation Plan 90 with the aim of taking a complete picture of the number of tourist accommodations in the city to evaluate and diagnose the existing offer and the social impact on the access to housing, occupancy of public space, mobility, diversity of uses and waste production and management. This special plan forms the regulatory framework for the regulation of urban aspects and provides the management criteria of tourist accommodations for the city of Barcelona. Thus, a regulatory framework is established to protect tourism from the point of view of both the visitor and the citizen. Tourism will now be compatible with the everyday life of citizens, and coexistence problems, disturbances of the social and economic fabric of entire neighbourhoods and the trivialisation or saturation of the urban landscape will be avoided. This plan establishes that no new licenses will be granted to tourist dwellings until an existing one ceases its activity. In the case of a business closure, new licenses will be granted only in outlying districts. The City Council of Palma de Mallorca expects to approve before the next season the tourist zoning that will determine the city areas where dwellings can be leased or not. As it can be observed, the determinations included in these new urban instruments create a clear restriction for potential investments in the tourist sector in the different municipalities. Those tourist entrepreneurs who want to operate in these destinations must consider the exact location where they want to place their business and verify if there are restrictions when setting up new tourist establishments. 90 Special Urban Plan for Tourist Accommodation was approved by Full Council on 27 January of 2017, and was published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB) on 6 March of 2017.