Sustainable Tourism Law

PLANNING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM RESOURCES 331 But a tourism that lacks planning and with no previous research may lead to several problems, including environmental and sound pollution, loss of attractiveness of tourist zones, a distortion of cultural identities if they are excessively marketed or trivialized, an excessive reliance on tourism that may destroy jobs in other areas (fishermen that turn to hospitality), an inappropriate use of territory that may cause countless problems ranging from saturation and destruction to the loss of investments and the consequent economic recession in various sectors. V. SPATIAL PLANNING AND TOURISM RESOURCES Spatial planning is a basic aspect for the development of tourism; it must be performed both locally and nationally. Hence, there is a decentralization at the local level, implemented through the Departmental Governments with jurisdictional competence in the subject. The Uruguayan Constitution also establishes that the Government may “declare tourist zones as of national interest, which shall be managed by the appropriate Ministry” (section 85, subsection 9); the Tourism Act provides additional legal jurisdictions such as: “set and conduct the national tourism policies”; “plan and promote the improvement of touristic infrastructure in general and the execution of complementary public works”; “approve tourism development programs and projects”; “grant concessions of assets owned by the Government for tourism”; creation of registers of tourism service providers, etc. It also establishes that the Executive Power is entitled to the: “Adoption of dispositions easing the entry, stay and exit of tourists from the country, providing an appropriate treatment for handling of baggage, belongings and vehicles that may enter into the country, either in temporary admission regime or in transit” (Section 9). Regulate “the displacement of sport and recreational boats, as well as their supply regulations, being entitled to facilitate their presence, in relation to the tourist interest of nautical activities (...)” (Section 10). “Set and regulate the activities developed by service providers and establish the categories according to the activities they really perform” (Section 12). Set the rendering of services “so as to ensure tourists a proper provision of the services” provided by profit-making legal or natural persons (Section 11, exordium, and Section 13 “B”). “Declare as priority areas for tourism development” those areas declared by law as national interest areas” (Section 6, E)