Sustainable Tourism Law

THE GLOBAL CODE OF ETHICS FOR TOURISM 401 voluntary conciliation mechanism concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention. The conversion of the Code, which was adopted in 1999, into a proper Convention represents a significant step towards ensuring that tourism development is done with full respect for sustainable development, social issues, local community development, improves understanding between cultures and addresses labour issues. The present Convention aims to promote responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism through the implementation of the ethical principles in tourism (article 2). It is mostly important for the purposes of this Convention and unless otherwise provided in particular provisions, the following definitions shall apply: (a) ethical principles in tourism means the Principles set out in this Convention in Articles 4 to 12 below. (b) tourism refers to the activities of visitors, whether tourists or excursionists. (c) tourist means a person taking a trip which includes an overnight stay to a main destination outside his/her usual environment, for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place visited. (d) excursionist means a person taking a trip which does not include an overnight stay to a main destination outside of his/her usual environment. For the purpose of this Convention any reference to tourists constitutes at the same time a reference to excursionists. (e) stakeholders in tourism development includes: (i) national governments; (ii) local governments with specific competence in tourism matters; (iii) tourism establishments and tourism enterprises, including their associations; (iv) institutions engaged in financing tourism projects; (v) tourism employees and professionals; (vi) trade unions of tourism employees; (vii) tourists and excursionists; (viii) local populations and host communities at tourism destinations through their representatives; and