Sustainable Tourism Law

456 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW municipal management strategy for a tourism product with a strong presence in the territory based on: 1) a three-dimensional perspective on sustainability (environmental, economic and social); 2) the sustainability of a tourism activity as a temporary result of a convergence of perceptions about environmental, economic and social dimensions in the territory; 3) Convergence as the basis for a local tourism policy and a provider of balance between public and private opposing interests; 4) “Soft law” as an instrument of intelligent power for local authorities in matters of tourism sustainability; 5) Tourism sustainability as an instrument of “intelligent power” based on transversal, participative and well known scientific methods. In line with the perspective that all scientific thoughts and data analysis procedures, including the laws, should bemeasured, quantified and parameterized (Ferris,2013), we present the main principles in the “commitment letter” (Figure 1) of the municipality of Aljezur. They feature key words, rules and equilibriums that confirm the three-dimensional perspective of sustainability as an instrument of the “intelligent power” of the municipality. Figure 1 Draft proposal of a municipal charter of the surf tourism product, Aljezur. Considerations, Principles and Rules (the main equilibriums). Considerations 9 Balance, Well-being, Sustainability (Environmental) Institutions, Traditions, Values (Social) Responsibility, Viability, Opportunity(Economic) Main Articles 10 Principles(Key words) 9 Economic rules 10 Articles II – Article IV Environmental rules 9 Article V – Article VII Social rules 9 Article VII – Article X Source: Author’s calculations. The charter is a draft repository of local government principles and incorporates suggestions, strategies and recommendations resulting from the participatory public-private process on convergence indicators, demonstrating the importance of democratic methods in the organization and operation of institutions and the sustainable governance of territories, based on the ten articles presented. The first one describes general principles (sustainability,