Sustainable Tourism Law
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN ARGENTINA 535 b) Sociocultural: its aim is to achieve a better quality of life for the inhabitants of the Argentine Republic, ensuring respect for the culture, identity and values of host cultures. c) Quality: its aim is the development of a culture of continuous improvement towards Excellency, based on the commitment of every actor and on the renovation of management and production methods, aligning them with the strategic goals of quality. d) Socio-economic: its aim is to promote a balanced generation and distribution of the internal tourism income and of the international economic surplus generatedby the receptive tourism, creating opportunities of social and economic development for future generations. The drafting process of this plan began with a Federal workshop in Pilar, in the province of Buenos Aires, on the 4 th and 5 th of August, attended by the highest provincial and national authorities for tourism and businessmen from all over the country. The four premises of the plan were established there: 1. INSTITUTIONAL CONSOLIDATION OF TOURISM It makes reference to the issues that allow the tourism sector to increase its level of performance, occupying the place it deserves for its economic and cultural development. 2. SUSTAINABILITY It seeks a new direction for economic growth that is compatible with the preservation of natural and cultural resources , this way strengthening an equitable distribution. 3. BALANCED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL TOURISM SECTOR. The intention is to consolidate the current destinations and promote the strengthening of emergent destinations. To this end, it is necessary to perform an integrated and decentralized planning, working from the regions and their local components, strengthening the equitable distribution of opportunities and training the market segments. 4. A SYSTEM OF INCENTIVES AND STIMULI FOR REGIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT.
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