Sustainable Tourism Law

FROM TOURISM TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 59 It also deals with various typologies of tourism (art. 22 / 31). It regulates the tourist contract (art. 32 / 51) and tourist house rentals (art. 52 / 53). Finally, it deals with touristic organization, as, for example, ENIT (art. 54 / 65). Lastly, it deals with dispute resolution (art. 66 / 69). Regional Laws. The Tourism Law of Lombardy We have seen that each of the twenty Italian Regions has a Regional Tourist Law. In general, they all deal mainly with public and administrative rules. One of the most recent and modern is the Tourist Law of the Region Lombardia (Regional Law 1 October 2015 no. 27, on “Politiche regionali in materia di turismo e attrattività del territorio lombardo – Regional tourism policies and the Lombardy’s attractiveness”). In summary, it could be said that the new Lombardy Regional Law wants to regulate a welcoming, integrated, transparent and technological tourism. Welcoming and tourist friendly, because it is aimed at hospitality and enjoyment of tourist services. Integrated, because it wants to foster integration between businesses – networks, consortia, cooperation – simplifying processes and procedures and offer tourists services integrated with the Transport and Health System of Lombardy. Transparent because it requires entities and businesses to provide the public with comprehensive data and information in order to have an informed tourist. Technological, because it employs and uses new information and data transmission technologies in line with the Lombardy Digital Agenda; and because it reminds us that Lombardy is a technologically advanced region. The novelties are, as compared to the previous Regional Tourist Law (Legge Regionale Lombardia April 14, 2004, no. 8), the following: A) A shift of perspective. From the discipline of the various institutes with a tourist connotation to the unitary concept of “hospitality”. Tourism Law is seen as a set of rules aimed at improving hospitality in the region, favouring the fruition and enjoyment of tourist services. B) Transparency and information. To improve hospitality and enjoyment, tourism, understood as a system, must be transparent so as to provide the tourist with clear and non-deceptive information. C) Use of new technologies. Tourists increasingly rely on new technologies to choose tourist services. The new law takes it into account by implementing choices and rules that are compatible with the digital platform.