Sustainable Tourism Law

62 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW See, for example, the decision of the Italian Court of Cassation (The Italian Supreme Court) 24 April 2008, no. 10651 46 that stated that “ In tourist travel contract the touristic motive (finalità turistica) is not irrelevant but is embodied in the interest that the same is functionally designed to meet, connoting the concrete cause (causa concreta). Therefore, the services provided by the tourist travel contracts, as per art. 91, paragraph 4, of the Italian Consumer Code are not only those directly dependent on the activity of the Tourist Operator, but also include the extrinsic conditions that make the holiday relevant and useful as they make relevant and useful the services offeredby theTourOperator, as for example the fruitionand enjoyment of environmental, artistic or historical places or resorts. Fruitions that are the basis of the choice made by the tourist in the moment in which he decides to buy that specific tour package ”. More recently, the Italian Supreme Court 47 confirmed the trend, stating: “ As the Court has already had occasion to state, the “all inclusive” vacation travel contract (so-called “package” 48 ), is characterized by the” touristic purposes” which connote the “concrete cause” and it is relevant as a qualifying element (as well as in relation to the life and effects of the contract ” 49 ). The EU 2015/2302 Directive and the Tourist Travel Contract The structure of the Tourist Travel Contract is now influenced, in Italy and in Europe, by the 2015 Directive 50 . Between 1990 – the year when the 90/314/ EEC Directive was approved 51 – and 2015 the world has changed. The 2015 Directive 52 adds a new element: the rent 53 . 46 Cass. 24 April 2008, n. 10651. For its relevance, this decision was published in various Italian Law reviews. See Diritto del turismo , 2008, page 349, with comments of Valentina CORONA, La tipizzazione della finalità turistica tra presupposizione e criteri di ripartizione del rischio . In Giustizia Civile , 2009, page 1064; in Diritto dei. Trasporti , 2009, page. 825 with comments of Alessandro ZAMPONE, Sull’obbligo del tour operator di garantire la riuscita della vacanza . 47 Cass. 11 December, 2012, n. 22619. 48 Regulated by D.Lgs. n. 111 del 1995 – emanato in attuazione della Direttiva n. 90/314/CEE–, applicabile ai rapporti come nella specie sorti anteriormente all’entrata in vigore del D.Lgs. n. 206 del 2005 – c.d. Codice del consumo, che si distingue dal contratto di organizzazione o di intermediazione di viaggio (CCV) di cui alla Convenzione di Bruxelles del 23 dicembre 1970 (resa esecutiva in Italia con L. n. 1084 del 1977)”. 49 See also v. Cass., 12 November 2009, n. 23941; Cass., 24 April 2008, n. 10651; Cass., 20 December 2007, n. 26958. 50 AA.VV , The New Package Travel Directive, V. Franceschelli – F. Morandi – C. Torres Editors, Lisboa, ESHTE – INATEL, 2017. In Italian, AAVV, La nuova disciplina europea dei contratti di viaggio. La Direttiva 2015/2302/UE e le prospettive della sua attuazione nell’ordinamento italiano , a cura di Arianna Finessi, Napoli, Jovene editore, 2017. 51 Council Directive of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours (90/314 / EEC). 52 Stephan KEILER – Francesco MORANDI, Package Travel and Assisted Travel Arrangements: The proposal for a new Directive in light of a possible full armonisation approach , in Rivista italiana di Diritto del Turismo , 2014, page 5. 53 For example, the rental of cars, other motor vehicles.