Sustainable Tourism Law

628 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Part I – Consensus Declaration: European Cities & Towns Towards Sustainability 6. Urban economy towards sustainability The limiting factor for the economic development of the cities has become natural capital, such as atmosphere, soil, water and forests. We must, therefore, invest in this capital (groundwater reservoirs, soil, ecosystems for rare species), encouraging its growth (non-renewable energy) and creating alternative means (parks for inner-city recreation to relieve pressure on natural forests) 7. Social equity for urban sustainability Poor populations are affected the worst by environmental problems such as noise and air pollution from traffic, lack of amenities, unhealthy housing or the lack of open spaces and they have the most difficulty solving them. 8. Sustainable land-use patterns The importance of effective land-use and development planning policies which embrace a strategic assessment of the environment to maximize the positive effects of higher urban densities, such as public services linked to transports and energy. When undertaking urban renewal programmes, it is important to combine different functions to reduce mobility and achieve an equitable regional interdependency. 9. Sustainable urban mobility patterns Reduce mobility by eliminating the unnecessary use of motorized vehicles, giving priority to eco- -friendly means of transport such as walking, cycling or using public transports. 10.Responsibility for the global climate Understanding that the significant risks posed by global warming require the reduction of the atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as the protection of the biomass resources. 11.Prevention of ecosystems toxification At a growing rate, toxic and harmful substances are released into the air, water, soil, food and therefore have become a larger threat to human health and ecosystems. 12. Local self-governance as a pre-condition The responsibility for the reorganization of cities lies with the elected representatives of local communities. 13.Citizens as key actors and the involvement of the community Ensuring that all citizens and interested groups have the opportunity of participating in the local decision-making processes, besides having the right of being informed. 14. Instruments and tools for urban management towards sustainability Use the political and technical instruments available for an ecosystem-conscious approach to urban management. Source: Aalborg Charter.