Sustainable Tourism Law

SUSTAINABILITY: THE PATH FROM STOCKHOLM TO THE EUROPEAN CHARTER 645 employment and wellbeing, on a medium and long-term perspective if public entities assure a sustainable management of destinations and if companies integrate in their effective management and external communication their concerns with sustainability”. Another challenge concerns the sustainable production patterns . It’s important that economic proceeds are not achieved at the cost of social and environmental aspects, therefore tourismmust internalise its socio-economic and environmental costs adequately by cresting its prices. It implies that a concept of corporate social responsibility is applied. The last challenge is related to the sustainable development of destinations. Considering it’s the destination wich shapes the entire touristic product, the different public and private activities that structure them are important in terms of sustainable production. A rational territorial planning is crucial to the sustainable development of destinations. Destination attributes Traditional cultural landscape Patrimonial resources Europe Communication infrastructures Hospitality Touristic structures Tourism has to respect the carrying capacity of natural and cultural areas, knowing that many destinations suffer the negative effects of having developed beyond their capacity. There is, on the other hand, the risk of territories such as islands having their economy excessively dependent of tourism and bearing the weight of second and third age housing on many European destinations. Easy