Sustainable Tourism Law

652 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW §§§§ Knowledge and promotion of European tourism In the ten points related to knowledge and promotion of European tourism we have to start by applauding the implementation of tourism satellite accounts 65 , following the need for the coordination of operators and public entities in the new member-States’ tourism within already existing networks and structures at the European 66 level, as well as the accomplishment of specialized studies aiming to promote excellent European touristic destinations. The importance of the preservation of cultural landmarks is praised, just like the need for the creation of initiatives destined to promote the European identity, linked to the promotion of pilot-projects of sustainable tourism 67 as indicated, with the one developed in the Balearic Islands standing out ( Green Card ). The promotion of Europe as a global destination through a European Tourism Portal “accessible to European tourists and those from the main non- European tourist source countries”, an effective coordination and cooperation between the public and private sectors 68 and the support to initiatives that bring European peoples together through tourism 69 close the theme. §§§§§ Tourism and transport The fundamental importance of transports to tourism 70 comes in first place, following the need to promote combined train-bicycle travels 71 and the promotion of waterway tourism 72 . Relatively to low-cost airlines, for sustainability reasons, the need to ensure a controlled development in a way as to not multiply the air services for the same regions is pointed out 73 . The widening of information to consumers covering other means of transport beyond air transports, the 65 Proposing, simultaneously, the alteration to the Directive no. 95/57/EC of the Council, on 23 rd November 1995, related to the collection of statistic information in the tourism sector. 66 With “a particular view to fully associating them, by means of exchanges of experience and good practice, with the tourist destinations of the older Member States” point 40. 67 Under the initiative IRE ( Innovating Regions in Europe ) dedicated to the development of an exchange network of good practices in matters of innovative regional initiatives. 68 At the local, national and European levels. 69 Refers to European itineraries and networks of rural, social or cultural tourism. 70 Both for the quality of the chain of tourism services and for the accessibility of destinations. In insular tourism or in ultraperipheral regions there’s an increased importance. 71 Pointing out the Eurovelo network as a good base. 72 To that effect, recreational waterways with international classifications must be created and kept in good conditions. 73 Steps “should be taken to ensure that the development of low-cost airlines is supervised, so as to avoid a proliferation of air links to specific regions or neighbouring regions, and on the contrary develop to the full the interconnection of air transport and collective land transport” point 52.