Sustainable Tourism Law

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE DANUBE REGION 703 ICPDR. This Strategy fully supports the implementation of these measures, as well as the implementation of other Danube region related, European and international legally binding environmental initiatives, such as Ramsar Convention, Alpine Convention, Carpathian Convention or Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution 50 . Building Prosperity in the Danube Region – This pillar focuses on three Priority Areas: (1) To develop the knowledge society through research, education and information technologies; (2) To support the competitiveness of enterprises; and (3) To invest in people and skills (education and training, labour market and marginalised communities). It strongly supports the Europe 2020 Strategy: 1. It contributes to smart growth as it reinforces all the three topics of this objective: innovation by improving the framework conditions to transform ideas into marketable products or services; education by improving the human capital of the Region; and the digital society by improving the access to internet and the availability of e-content. 2. It contributes to sustainable growth as innovation and new technologies will contribute to fighting climate change, to increasing the energy efficiency and to reducing the pollution from transport. In addition, the priority area on the competitiveness of enterprises will improve the business environment, especially for SMEs. 3. It contributes to inclusive growth as it reinforces the human capital through education and training. This will be complemented by better functioning of the macro-regional labour market. It also emphasises the fight against poverty, especially against the marginalised communities. These priority areas have to be considered with other policy fields 51 . Strengthening the Danube Region – The pillar on “strengthening the Danube region” addresses two priority areas: “Institution Building and Cooperation” and “Security Issues”. The actions and projects aim at strengthening the functioning of democratic institutions, public administrations and central, regional and local level organisations, with special focus on cooperation in the region. Special emphasis is also needed on making the Danube region a safer place to live. Better political, civil and administrative structures and better security are key conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The pillar therefore also addresses 50 EUSDR Action Plan, pp. 47, 48. 51 EUSDR Action Plan, p. 55.