Sustainable Tourism Law
734 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW published with me the book Turismo – Planejamento estratégico e capacidade de gestão – Desenvolvimento regional, rede de produção e clusters (Tourism – Strategic Planning and Management Capacity – Regional Development, Production Net and Clusters), Manole, 2012. We managed to articulate the approach among political sciences and management, defining governance for touristic destinations as “establishing and developing rules, institutional dealings and joint mechanisms for politics, as well as business strategies, involving all institutions and individuals connected to the Sector of Tourism.” Despite innumerable definitions for governance, in the literature review that she carried out, Ruhanen (2004) has noticed the existence of three common characteristics, respectively (i) governance is not synonymous of Government; (ii) governance involves and implies a smaller and shared government control; and (iii) governance involves multiple actors in the public sector, private initiatives and the tertiary sector. In this sense, governance encompasses the management of relations between the different actors involved. Governance has been broadly mentioned as a new way of doing public-private politics, in which local actors may decide and act with the purpose of achieving common objectives. For its part, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) currently advises entities to adopt a governance system which allows interactive relations among all the actors in a world full of multiple and complex actors. As a matter of fact, the involvement of social actors and institutional agents is a key aspect in the process of local and regional sustainable planning and development. But who would these actors and agents be? They are all those influenced by the positive or negative impacts of the touristic development policies, being involved in the process of reducing the occurrence of potential conflicts between tourists and the host community. This integrated planning process should have as its main objective the sustainable development of the destination. I. POLITICS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING IN TOURISM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Strategic thinking is the result of simulating a systemic global view by considering the need to filter what is appropriate and feasible for the society, economy and culture of the country. Taking into account the globalized market, some of the reasons why we should use strategic planning are:
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