Sustainable Tourism Law

786 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW tourist service, the contract of tourist packages 23 and the inspection at airports. This plurality of regimes makes air travel a legally complex fact. Even more in international travel. Thus, in the face of conflicts in which the rights of consumers are affected, it becomes difficult to identify the applicable rules, given that countries have their own internal rules for tourism, transport and airports, and even, in each one of them, the rules of consumer protection are applied differently. Each one of the activities and the legal relationships that integrate them are not coordinated and respond to different logics and interests, so in the same trip, throughout the itinerary, the consumer will be subject to so many different regimes as exit points, arrival and transit or transfer that are part of the trip. In this context, the legal reality of Consumers, especially the protection of their rights, has been a concern of international organizations such as ICAO, WTO, IATA and, more recently, ACI 24 . During the 38th period of sessions of the ICAO Assembly held in 2013, the recommendations of the sixth World Air Transport Conference (ATConf / 6) were supported. Then, the Assembly asked the Council, “to formulate in the short term a set of basic principles of consumer protection, high-level non- mandatory and non-prescriptive to use as policy guidance “ 25 materialized June 17, 2015, when the Council formally adopted the text of the basic principles of consumer protection as a guide for States and relevant to the interested parties 26 . However, as we said, the specialty, as a proper character of the aeronautical law does not apply to the airport service or other activities. It only involves air transport 27 and transporters in their consumption relationship with passengers. So, at the end of the day, despite the claim of the passengers, the rules of consumer law would apply in all legal relationships, except in those that have as their object 23 Facal, Julio “The State and Tourist Resources: Challenges to Air Transport and Airports”. Conference given at the 1st World Airport Law Conference of the worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA). Ciudad Real, Spain. 2008. 24 “The Airports Council International (ACI) places great importance on the efficient facilitation of passengers through its Member airports, giving due care and attention to the passengers’ needs”. See: Passenger Protection under cases of flight disruption. Worldwide Air Transport Conference (ATConf) Sixth Meeting Montréal, 2013. 25 Assembly Resolution A38-14, Appendix A, Section I. 26 Communication SP 38 / 1-15 / 60, dated July 31, 2015. 27 Knobel, Horacio, Consumer Protection and Air Transport. The new regime of Law 26,993. - This law establishes a simplified institutional and procedural regime of minor causes in consumer matters-See www.cedae- .