Wine Law

mentions reserved for quality wines produced in a specific region other than those regulated in Article 3(b). II. 2. The Law on advertising and alcoholic beverages Article 8 of Law 34/1988 establishes the prohibition of advertising, in television, beverages that have an alcoholic strength greater than 20 centesimal degrees. Advertising alcoholic beverages that do not theirs specify the strength is also prohibited in places where their sale or consumption is prohibited. The form, content and conditions of the advertisement of alcoholic beverages will be limited by regulation in order to protect the health and safety of people considering the subjects to whom it is intended, provided there is no direct or indirect induction to its indiscriminate consumption, and in attention to educational, health and sports fields. The Government may extend the prohibition to beverages with an alcoholic strength of less than 20 centesimal degrees. In the case of non-compliance with the special rules that regulate the advertising of products, activities and goods and services, it will be considered an infringement for the purposes indicated in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the Consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws 35 . II. 3. The Wine Self-Regulation Code of the Spanish Wine Federation in advertising and commercial communications Wine consumption patterns vary in different areas of the world 36 . The Spanish Wine Federation has drawn up a Wine Self-Regulation Code regarding advertising and commercial communications 37 in order to assume responsibility for wine advertising 35 BOE no. 287, 30 November 2007. 36 More widely: TORTOSA SALAZAR, V.: “Publicidad y alcohol: situación de España como país miembro de la Unión Europea”, Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud , vol. 1, no. 1, 2010, pp. 30-38. Available in: ( Consulted on 05 August 2020). 37 VINETUR: “¿Cómo debe realizase la comunicación y publicidad del vino?”. Available in: vino.html ( Consulted on 08 August 2020). On self-regulation in advertising, see: RAMOS FERNÁNDEZ, L. F.: “Autorregulación, mediación y consulta previa, la nueva frontera de la ética publicitaria”, Zer: Revista de