Wine Law
focused on commercial communication for its products that does not promote harmful consumption. Considering the specific characteristics of the products of the wine sector, some European Union Wine Communication Standards are established to promote best practice with these objectives: 1) reinforce the traditions of wine presentation, communication and availability to consumers in terms of promoting moderation and responsibility in consumption and 2) ensure that the communications made about wine do not encourage or tolerate excessive consumption or inappropriate use of any kind. This Self-Regulation Code applies to all commercial communications about wine, considering as such any advertising or marketing communication instrument, regardless of the means used by the company, with the aim of promoting and increasing sales of products, services, consumers or brand image. Corporate advertising, sponsorship, Internet, commercial and direct-to-consumer promotion, marketing and point of sale material are included. Editorial content is excluded. Advertising is considered as established in Article 2 of Law 34/1988, which establishes that advertising is any communication made by a natural or legal person, both public and private, in the exercise of a commercial, industrial activity, artisan or professional, in order to directly or indirectly promote the contracting of movable or immovable property, services, rights and obligations. According to Article 3 of Law 34/1988, advertisements that violate the dignity of the person or violate constitutional values and rights, especially those relating to childhood, youth and women, are considered illegal; the deceptive, unfair and subliminal, as well as the ones infringing what is indicated in the regulations on the advertisement of certain products, goods, activities or services. The Self-Regulation Code is intended for wine, and includes both still wines, sparkling wines, liqueur wines, flavored wines and other vine products, following the indications established by the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of 29 April 2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine, amending Regulations (EC) No 1493/1999, (EC) estudios de comunicación , no. 11, 2001, pp. 1-11. Available in: (Consulted on 05 August 2020).
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