Wine Law

a danger due to the content that can be consumed by minors, especially through the Internet 45 , which includes social networks 46 . The regulations that include limitations regarding advertising aimed at children and adolescents are:  Law 5/2018, of 3 May, for the prevention of alcoholic beverages in childhood and adolescence in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura 47 – this Law contemplates, in its Article 21, the prohibition of any direct, indirect or covert form of advertising, promotion or sponsorship of alcoholic beverages directed at minors. Campaigns that directly or indirectly induce minors consuming alcoholic beverages are also prohibited, as well as the prohibition of the use of images or voices of minors in advertising alcoholic beverages. Subliminal advertising is also prohibited in certain centers and spaces, such as health, educational and recreational facilities. The sponsorship or financing of programs, spaces, pages or services with distinctive alcoholic beverages aimed at minors is also prohibited;  Foral Law 10/1991, of 16 March, on prevention and limitation of the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors 48 – this Law indicates that people under eighteen years of age may not participate in the advertising of alcoholic beverages, and promotion this type of drinks may not be carried out at fairs, exhibitions or activities aimed at minors, nor be awarded as a prize alcoholic beverages in games of chance, contests or other activities in which minors participate. The advertising of alcoholic beverages in places used by minors (i.e. educational, sports and entertainment facilities) is also prohibited, nor may it be advertised in periodical publications aimed at minors, or in radio or television programs in informational programs on issues of public interest. These prohibitions extend to all types of direct, indirect or covert advertising, including the advertising of objects or 45 RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F.: “El menor como consumidor de información y su protección en la diversa legislación”, Consumidores y usuarios ante las nuevas tecnologías , Lorenzo Cotino Hueso (coord.), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2008, pp. 125-140. 46 RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F.: “Menores y redes sociales: cuestiones legales”, Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia , no. 8, 2015, pp. 33-43. Available in: ( Consulted on 31 July 2020). 47 BOE no. 127, 25 May 2018. 48 BOE no. 226, 20 September 1991.