Wine Law

products that, due to their name or graphics, or mode of presentation, may imply that an alcoholic beverage is being concealed;  Law 24/2003 – Article 4 of this Law establishes that the General State Administration may finance information, dissemination and promotion campaigns for the vineyard, wine and grape must, within the framework of European Union regulations and following the current national legal system, and, in particular, with the regulations that prohibit minors from consuming alcoholic beverages; and  Organic Law 1/1996, of 15 January, on Legal protection of children and young people, which partially modifies the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure act 49 – Article 5 of this Law indicates that it must be ensured that advertising or messages directed at minors do not harm them morally or physically. The Self-Regulation Code to which we have referred in previous points, stated that commercial communications should not be intended for minors or show them consuming or encouraging the consumption of wine. These communications should not be transmitted by the media during the period intended for minors, nor should the communications suggest that abstinence is synonymous with immaturity. Conclusions The questions that arise around advertising and wine are different. The legislation that we have analysed shows different perspectives of the acts allowed and prohibited in the legal field. Some of these prohibitions are related to PDOs and PGIs. The presence of social networks and the Internet also influence their access to different audiences, and because, on occasions, it is more difficult to control advertising 50 . The legislation 49 BOE no. 15, 17 January 1996. 50 HERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, A. y RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F.: «La ventaja competitiva de las marcas tras su presencia en redes sociales», Revista Aranzadi de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías , núm. 24, 2010, págs. 45 y sigs.; RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F.: «Imagen, consumo, internet y reutilización: de lo permitido y lo prohibido», Metáforas de la multitud: III Congreso Internacional Estética y Política, Valencia, 11-13 de noviembre de 2015 , Miguel Corella Lacasa (coord.), Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, 2015, págs. 241-251. Available in:ÉTAFORAS%20DE%20LA%20MULTITUD%20III%2 0CONGRESO%20INTERNACIONAL%20ESTÉTICA%20Y%20POLÍTICA_6291.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Consulted 31 July 2020).