Wine Law

Royal Decree 1129/1985, of 5 June, by which the sanctions provided for in the Decree 835/1972 are updated (BOE no. 164, of10 July 1985). Repealed. Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 of 16 March 1987 on the common organisation of the market in wine (DOL 84, of 27 March 1987). Law 34/1988, of 11 November, on General Advertising (BOE no. 274, of 15 November 1998). Royal Decree 799/1989, of 30 June, amending Article 107 of the Decree 835/1972, to adapt the regulation of the Registers of Inputs and Outputs of products derived from grapes to community regulations (BOE no. 159, of 5 July 1989). Repealed. Foral Law 10/1991, of 16 March, on prevention and limitation of the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors (BOE no. 226, of 20 September 1991). Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91 of 10 June 1991 laying down general rules on the definition, description and presentation of aromatised wines, aromatised wine-based drinks and aromatised wine-product cocktails (OJ L 149, of 14 June 1991). Royal Decree 323/1994, of 28 February, on the documents that accompany the transport of wine products and the records that must be kept in the wine sector (BOE no. 109, of 7 May 1994). Organic Law 1/1996, of 15 of January, on Legal protection of children and young people, which partially modifies the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure act (BOE no. 15, of 17 January 1996). Law 2/1999, of 19 March, establishing the Wine and Vine Institute of Castilla-La Mancha (IVICAM) (BOE no. 124, of 25 May 1999). Council Regulation (EC) no. 1493/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the common organisation of the market in wine (DO L 179, of 14 July 1999). Royal Decree 1334/1999, of 31 July, approving the General Standard for Labelling, Presentation and Advertising of Foodstuffs (BOE no. 2020 of 24 August 1999). Royal Decree 322/2000, of 3 March, by which the amounts established in section 2 of Article 131 of the Law 25/1970 are modified (BOE no. 66, of 17 March 2000). Repealed. Royal Decree 450/2000, of 10 March, amending Royal Decree 1338/2018, of 29 October, regulating the potential of wine production (BOE no. 62, of 11 March 2020).