Wine Law

distinguished depending on the protection granted: quality wines with a geographical indication or with a designation of origin that can be qualified – and paid wines . The Cava appellation is considered a designation of origin 19 . Regarding advertising, we must pay attention to the following regulations, which we will further touch upon later:  Law 34/1988, of 11 November, on General Advertising 20 ;  Royal Decree 1334/1999, of 31 July, by which the general standard of labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs is approved 21 ;  Law 29/2009, of 30 December, that modifies the legal regime of unfair competition and advertising to improve the protection of consumers and users 22 ;  Law 17/2011, of 5 July, on food security and nutrition 23 ;  Royal Decree 781/2013, of 11 October, that establishes rules relating to the preparation, composition, labeling, presentation and advertising of fruit juices and other similar products intended for human consumption 24 ; and  Directive 2007/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2007 amending Council Directive 89/552/EEC on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities (Text with EEA relevance) 25 . 19 About the quality labels, see: RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F.: “Los distintivos de calidad y la seguridad en los productos agrarios y agroalimentarios”, Revista General Informática de Derecho , no. 1, 2002; “La regularización de la marca de calidad “CV” en los productos agrarios y agroalimentarios de la Comunidad Valenciana”, Régimen jurídico de la seguridad y calidad de la producción agraria: IX Congreso Nacional de Derecho Agrario, Logroño, 8 y 9 de octubre de 2001 , Ángel Sánchez Hernández & Pedro de Pablo Contreras (coord.), Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, 2002, pp. 255 and seq .; “La normativa sobre calidad de los productos agroalimentarios valencianos”, Revista General Informática de Derecho , no. 1, 2004; and RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, F. & HERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, A.: “La marca de calidad “CV” para productos agrarios y agroalimentarios”, Revista de Derecho civil valenciano , no. 7, 2010, pp. 1-7. Available in: ( Consulted on 31 July 2020). 20 BOE no. 274, 15 November 1998. 21 BOE no. 202 24 August 1999. 22 BOE no. 315, 31 December 2009 23 BOE no. 160, 6 July 2011. 24 BOE no. 245, 12 October 2013. 25 DOUE L 332/27, 18 December 2007.