Wine Law

However, the legislation regarding wine is much broader and it covers transport and production aspects. Thus, as a complementary regulation to those mentioned, we can point out the following regulations:  Royal Decree 323/1994, of 28 February, on the documents that accompany the transport of wine products and the records that must be kept in the wine sector 26 ;  Royal Decree 450/2000, of 10 March, amending Royal Decree 1338/2018, of 29 October, regulating the potential of wine production 27 ;  Royal Decree 1651/2004, of 9 July, that establishes development standards for the adaptation of regulations and management bodies for quality wines produced in regions determined by Law 24/2003, of 10 July, of the Vine and Wine 28 ;  Royal Decree 1335/2011, of 3 October, regulating the procedure for processing applications to register protected designations of origin and geographical indications in the Community register, and for opposition thereto 29 ;  Royal Decree 19/2014, of 17 January, approves the bylaws and combines the independent bodies the National Consumer Affairs Institute and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition in a new independent body called the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition and its statute is approved 30 ;  Royal Decree 1338/2018, of 29 October, regulating the viticultural production potential 31 ; and  Royal Decree 536/2019, of 20 September, amending Royal Decree 1338/2018 32 . 26 BOE no. 109, 7 May 1994. 27 BOE no. 62, 11 March 2020. 28 BOE no. 166, 10 July 2004. 29 BOE no. 251, 18 October 2011. 30 BOE no. 29, 3 February 2014. 31 BOE no. 262, 30 October 2018. 32 BOE no. 227, 21 September 2019.