Wine Law
IV.2. Innovation Innovation is another relevant aspect in current times, and it is possible to work it in diverse ways in wine consumption. A possible first step is to try to innovate in the production line by creating or having more updated devices that may benefit wine production. Better control of chemical reactions to improve the wines’ quality and the use of new components in the machinery are some possible examples of innovation in the production moment. Another way in which it is possible to innovate when it comes to the wine supply chain is the distribution. Wine is a product that usually travels long distances from the production place to the consumer’s direct supplier. To conserve the chemical and physical qualities of wine during the movement is one of the most critical points in all wine supply chain. So, producing new technologies to improve the devices responsible for maintaining its characteristics must also be an imperative necessity in the wine industry. The final major aspect related to innovation we are going to address is the necessity to create new devices to make the wine purchase easier and more available, having as a goal to keep the established consumers, while, at the same time, attracting a new generation of wine consumers. As consumers, the millennials have peculiar habits not seen of older generations, being especially influenced by the Internet, social media and platforms. To understand the specific behaviour of this generation and to adapt the wine experiences so as to bring these conducts closer with them must be an emerging trend in the current times 19 . IV.3. Cultural diversity Another important issue related to wine is linked to cultural diversity. Wine is a beverage that is influenced by cultural aspects. In some cultures, wine is considered an 19 CASTELLINI, Alessandra; & SAMOGGIA, Antonella. Millennial consumers’ wine consumption and purchasing habits and attitude towards wine innovation. Wine Economics and Policy , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 128- 139, 2018 (esp. pp. 131-136).
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