Wine Law

media 24 as well as Wi-Fi and the Internet of Things 25 have been used to facilitate the access to wine product and producer information and to improve the wine tourism experiences. The rising need to get new wine consumption markets is another point that the digital market may get easier. However, to allow that wines may be purchased through the Internet creates new obstacles, with the most important factor being the improvement of the international supply chain to provide wine in any origin country of consumers or distributors. V. Final Remarks The contemporary consumer protection is a relatively recent issue in the history of law and the dialogue between wine consumption, and consumer protection is more recent and still in development. To introduce traditional concepts of consumer protection in the wine markets and production is necessary and vital, especially because of the natural trend of internationalisation of the wine markets. The concern to place on the market a wine with safety and quality guaranteed as well as due storage during all steps of the supply chain are two of the most important diligences directed by the wine suppliers. Besides general consumer protection, there are international wine organisations that create new international standards in favour of a better international wine market and wine consumption. Moreover, new aspects are becoming central in wine consumption, thus influencing wine-production. Cultural diversity and demands towards a more sustainable production are also capable of modifying the traditional wine production, which requires adjustments. 24 BRABAZON, Tara; & GANDY, Bryn. Digital wine: how QR codes facilitate new markets for small wine industries . Singapore: Springer, 2014 (esp. pp. 55-84). 25 PELET, Jean-Éric; BARTON, Marieshka; & CHAPUIS, Claude. Towards the implementation of digital through wifi and IoT in wine tourism: perpectives from profissionals of wine and tourism. SIGALA, Marianna; & ROBINSON, Richard N. S. Management and marketing of wine tourism business: theory, practice and cases. In SIGALA, Marianna; & ROBINSON, Richard N. S. (orgs.). Management andmarketing of wine tourism business: theory, practice and cases . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (esp. pp. 213-216).