Wine Law
In the specific areas, although one of the mentioned issues is food, its description allows for its enforcement in the beverage sector, and thus the wine industry. The Resolution mentions that the Member States must adopt standards from the Food and Agriculture Organization’s and World Health Organization’s Codex Alimentarius as soon as possible, taking into account the needs of all consumers for food security. It is also indicated that the Member States should maintain, develop or improve food safety measures. Moreover, it is also suggested that the Member States should promote sustainable agricultural policies and practices, conservation of biodiversity and protection of soil and water, while also considering the communities’ traditional knowledge In summary, the Consumer Protection Guidelines provide a comprehensive broadcast of rights and duties in consumption relations, with rights like the right to safety and information and the protection to hazards directly affecting wine consumption. II.2. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) is an international organisation established in April 2001 but linked to historical movements dated of 1924 6 . This organisation of technical and scientific nature develops resources andmarket studies related to vines, vine-based products, wine, wine-based beverages and products, among others. In the Organisation’s organogram there are some commissions, with the most relevant committees for this study being the Economy and Law Committee and the Safety and Health Committee. The former has two working groups of interest of this study: the Law and consumer information (DROCON) and the Economic analysis, markets and consumption. Regarding the Safety and Health Committee, both working groups are of interest of this paper, those being the Food safety (SECUAL) and Consumption, nutrition and health (CONUSA). These Committees have as one of their scopes to produce resolutions on several issues in order to a better wine trade and wine consumption. 6 COMPÉS LÓPEZ, Raúl. International wine organizations and plurilateral agreements: harmonization versus mutual recognition of standards. In UGAGLIA, Adeline Alonso; CARDEBAT, Jean-Marie; & CORSI, Alessandro (orgs.). The palgrave handbook of wine industry economics . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (esp. pp. 255- 256).
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