Wine Law
III.2. Quality Quality is the second traditional issue related to Wine Law. While safety is more related to the production phase, quality is linked to storage and conservation. Therefore, in this case, the concern is directed to all members of the supply chain. Each stakeholder must have compliance and produce due diligence to maintain the wine features while the product is in its storage. The main idea in this case is that the wine chemical and physical characteristics obtained in the production are conserved until consumption. In other words, the wine properties in the final part of the production must be equally present in the consumption moment. Therefore, aspects such as storage temperature, humidity and cleaning to avoid contamination are vital on the wine distribution. III.3. Information Information is one of the most basic consumer rights: consumers must be informed about the relevant aspects of each product. Contents, amount, warnings to the presence of possibly harmful components to some groups (i.e. lactose intolerant people) and enterprise data are some of the necessary pieces of information that ought to be available to the consumer in labels, packages and advertisements 9 . The objective of the right to information is to allow consumers to have access to information to make better purchase decisions based on economic capacity, personal preferences and eventual opportunity cost (for instance, a sale). So, the more information is made available to consumers, the more reasonable will be their purchase. Information is also essential for educational purposes. The first informational focus is to provide basic information on wine consumption with the objective to get new wine consumers. Moreover, it is necessary to inform advanced wine consumers about, for instance, the diversity of wines and grapes or the existence of wines with protected designation of origin or protected geographical indication 10 , thus allowing consumers to 9 PABST, Evelyn; SZOLNOKI, Gergely; & MUELLER LOOSE, Simone. The effects of mandatory ingredient and nutrition labelling for wine consumers: a qualitative study. Wine Economics and Policy , vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 5- 15, 2019 (esp. pp. 8-13). 10 MARINGER, Alexander. Weinrecht und Verbraucherschutz . Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014. (esp. pp. 261- 266).
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