Wine Law
LEGAL PROFILE OF THE IMPORT, PRODUCTION AND MARKETING 433 are the implementation of new rules to expedite the process of negotiation and approval, and the upcoming departure of the Single Window for Foreign Investment, in order to facilitate the management of entrepreneurs. The latter will comprise four stages or structures: identification and negotiations, establishment, investment process and operations” 27 . From 2010 onwards, there has been a reorganisation of self-employed work 28 . An important group of concessions is granted to this sector of the economy, based on a growing number of regulations (Resolution No. 33 of the Minister of Labour and Social Security, dated 6 September 2011, repealed by Resolution No 41/13 of the Minister of Labour and Social Security, containing the Regulations for the exercise of self-employment 29 ). This regulation authorised new activities that could be exercised autonomously, as well as their scope and the entities that authorised their exercise 30 . As part of the process of perfecting the legislation applicable to self-employed workers, a new package of legal rules, subsequently amended, was issued in July 2018. Among the main aspects included in the regulation is the grouping of the figures authorised to reach the figure of 123, which does not constitute a compaction of modalities that will allow greater integrity of the licensees. It implies the appearance of new figures, greater specificity in the causes of suspension, the possibility of maintaining the license operational despite the temporary absence of the holder, and the extension of the service of the tenants of rooms and dwellings to legal persons 31 . 27 Available in 2019-2020-06-11-2019-19-11-27. Moreover, in order to consolidate the implementation of the Single Window for Foreign Investment ( Vuinex ), so that any entity in the world can access and learn about the potential for business in Cuba, Decree No. 15 of 2020 came into force, which reflects the regulations of the Single Window for Foreign Investment. Published in Official Gazette No. 47, its objective is to establish the organisation and operation of Vuinex , a tool that aims to make investment modalities in Cuba more flexible and agile, with the premise of generating foreign exchange and eliminating bureaucratic obstacles; vid . “Entra en vigor decreto sobre Ventanilla Única de la Inversión Extranjera”, Cubadebate , 11-9-2020. 28 Approved by Resolution No. 32, of 7 October 2010, of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, repealed by and put into effect in Resolution No. 33 of 2011. This activity is not subordinated to the administration of a labour entity, but rather assumes the risks of the activity that it self- practices in the manner that it considers convenient and appropriate, with the elements and raw materials necessary for its performance. This worker gives employment, so he uses the work of others. Whoever has this occupational category may employ a family member or another person. He/she provides solutions to a number of difficulties, while at the same time contributing to society. See: a nd 21/trabajo-por-cuenta-propia-un-sector-perfectible-de-nuestra-economia-21-12-2019-02-12-39. 29 See : 30 See : actividades-y-modifican-licencia-de-operacion-del-transporte/#.Xodg2zb6vIU. 31 See :
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