Wine Law

THE EVOLUTION OF ROMANIA’S VINE AND WINE LAW 473 III.2.1. C ULTIVATION AREAS AND PRODUCTION POTENTIAL According to article 4 of the mentioned Law no. 164, the national viticultural area to produce grapes intended for obtaining wine is included in the viticultural EU areas B, C-I and C-II, according to the provisions of Annex VII, Part II, Appendix I to Regulation (EU) no. 2013/1308. Territorial delimitation of the geographical area for Controlled Designation of Origin and Geographical Indication (respectively, DOC and IG in Romanian 17 ), as well as the related procedure, is performed by the National Office of Vine and Wine Products 18 (ONVPV in Romanian), in consultation with professional associations of producers of DOC or IG areas to which reference is made and which have drawn up the specifications for the DOC and IG. The ONVPV is the national authority that can approve the modification of the national viticultural area’s territorial delimitation, based on the studies approved by the Research and Development Institute for Viticulture and Winemaking (ICDVV in Romanian 19 ), in consultation with professional associations of producers. The management of the production potential is performed in the IT system through the Vineyard Plantation Register (RPV in Romanian 20 ), a database containing the collected and constantly updated information about the holders who have areas planted with vines. The information management and updating are done, at the county level, by the county agriculture directorates and, at the central level, by the ONVPV. The Vineyard Plantation Register 2 is the main component of the National Vine and Wine Information System (SINVV in Romanian 21 ) and an essential tool for the implementation of support measures in the wine sector, which include plots cultivated with vines for wine grapes, as 17 Denumire de origine controlată and Indica ț ie geografică , respectively. 18 The ONVPV ( Oficiul Naţional al Viei şi Produselor Vitivinicole ) also ensures the verification and control of the traceability and conformity of all sort of wines without DOC or IG, varietal wines, for the purpose of certification, at any stage of the production process of this wine type, including during its packaging. The institution elaborates and proposes for approval normative acts for the sector taking into account the requirements of the viticulture and vinification development, the EU regulations and recommendations of the International Vine and Wine Organisation (OIV). Moreover, the ONVPV collaborates, among others, with the National Interprofessional Wine Organisation (ONIV in Romanian), Association of Authorised Tasters in Romania (ADAR in Romanian), representative associations and producer organisations from areas with DOC/IG, the State Inspection for Technical Wine Control (ISCTV in Romanian), State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM in Romanian), National Vine and Wine Employers’ Association (PNVV in Romanian) and the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA in Romanian). Finally, the ONVPV ensures liaison with OIV and exercises the right to vote for the adoption of OIV resolutions, being a member of the Organisation since 1927. 19 Institutul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Viticultură şi Vinificaţie . 20 Registrul plantaţiilor viticole . 21 Sistemul Informatic Naţional al Viei şi Vinului .