Wine Law
474 WINE LAW well as records on plantations, deforestation and modifications of the data contained in the electronic files of the existing wine plots, based on the national legislation in force. Furthermore, individuals and economic operators who process grapes or bottle wine have the obligation to register themselves in the SINVV. Any modification of the data of a wine parcel registered in the RPV must be communicated by the owner of the plot or by his proxy within 30 days from the modification. III.2.2. V INEYARD EXPLOITATION FILE Wine grape growers are obliged to draw up and constantly update the file of the vineyard exploitation, which includes the following documents: 1) a form to identify and locate the grower; 2) applications for authorisation to plant replant vines and to register in the RPV; 3) assortment statements of the plots owned; 4) declarations of deforestation of vine plots and requests for their removal from the RPV; 5) requests for the transfer of the individual right to replant the vines; 6) requests to modify plots data in RPV; 7) an identification of wine plots (cadastral plans); 8) copies of the authorisations for the production of grapes or wines with DOC or IG issued by the ONVPV; 9) planting rights granted from the rights reserves, as the case may be; 10) the files through which the support measures granted by the European Union were accessed, if applicable; 11) specifications for the production of wines with IG or DOC; and 12) other mandatory declarations, established by the regulations in force. III.2.3. V INE PLANTATIONS The vineyards’ establishment is done in delimited viticultural areas, with varieties admitted 22 in the official Catalogue of cultivated plant varieties in Romania. Moreover, vine varieties for obtaining wines with DOC or IG are established by the specifications corresponding to each DOC or IG. In the viticultural areas, the establishment of vineyards on an area exceeding 0.1 ha, of a natural or legal person, as well as the extension over this limit of an 22 Only those that meet the following conditions are allowed as wine grape varieties: a) belong to the species Vitis vinifera ; b) come from complex crosses between the varieties of Vitis vinifera and varieties belonging to other species of the genus Vitis ; or c) it is not one of the varieties of hybrids directly producers prohibited: Noah, Othello, Isabelle, Jacquez, Clinton and Herbemont. Exceptionally, for grape varieties that do not meet the above conditions, planting, replanting or grafting is allowed only for scientific research and experimental purposes, on an area of a maximum of 5 ha/variety, and wine products resulting from such vineyards are not marketed for direct consumption.
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