Wine Law

URUGUAY AND WINE: CURRENT SITUATION AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 507 i) promoting and disseminating the qualities of grapes and their derivatives; j) supervising all the sector activity, ensuring the correct application of the regulations related to its attributions and tasks. For this purpose, it may hire the technical services of public or private institutions and entrust them with the performance of analyses and other specific tasks, provided that it offers sufficient guarantees of suitability in the matter, guaranteeing the control of the bromatological quality and genuineness of the products derived from the vine; k) promoting and disseminating the application of the international quality standards in productive, industrial and laboratory matters; l) developing – by itself or through agreements with other institutions – the research in all the areas promoted by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), determining, in each case, the obligatory nature of its resolutions; m) determining and applying penalties for infringements to the legal rules that regulate the wine activity. The number of penalties and instalments for payment agreements applied or authorised by the Institute shall be readjusted at the time of effective collection by the procedure established in Decree-Law No. 14.500 of 8 March 1976, generating the interest provided for in said regulation from the day following the notification of the respective resolution; n) enforcing the penalties it imposes, for which purposes the testimony of its final resolutions shall constitute titles that entail enforcement, governed, as applicable, by articles 91 and 92 of the Tax Code. Final resolutions are those expressly or tacitly consented to by the sanctioned party and those that deny the appeal for reinstatement provided for in article 151 of Law 15.903; and o) entering into payment agreements for the collection of the penalties applied and their interests. Law 18.462 establishes not only INAVI’s powers (art. 15), but also those of its Board of Directors (art. 11). Concerning the latter, the Board can a) issue its internal regulations as well as the Institute’s general rules of procedure; b) dictate the acts of internal management and administration of the Institute; c) adopt the Institute’s resolutions aimed at achieving the tasks assigned by law; d) establish guidelines for the determination of sanctions following the legal and regulatory norms in force; e) determine the statute of the staff employed by the Institute – in all matters not provided for therein, the rules of private law shall apply; f) enter into agreements with other institutions in order to fulfil the tasks assigned to the