Wine Law
17 prosecutor's office or federal executive bodies on fraudulent production or sales, applying to the court for the protection of consumer rights, participation in obtaining grants from public or private funds for the development of public control over the production and circulation of viticulture and wine products and others. Related to them are the provisions on the protection of rights and legal interests of unspecified number of consumers and responsible vineyards and wineries engaged in the production of viticulture and wine products. The interested parties may take legal actions while the government agencies and officials are obliged to assist them to carry out appropriate checks on violations of the wine and viticulture legislation. Expert Advisory Boards affiliated with the federal or local legislative and executive bodies may be created to study the possible socio-economic consequences of legislative initiatives on the regulation of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, to implement the legislation and develop appropriate recommendations. As to the fraudulent production, its inadmissibility is designated generally as the specific provisions for combatting it have their systematical place in other legislative acts. Three are the main fraudulent realities – the falsified wine products, the unwholesome wine products and the counterfeit wine products. Their fabrication and distribution on Russian territory or import are prohibited. The imported falsified wine products and unwholesome wine products are subject to destruction unless they are exported, the falsified wine products and unwholesome wine products of Russian provenance as well as the counterfeit wine products are to be destroyed. For the applicable sanctions in general the Federal Law No. 468 of 2019 refers to the responsibility in accordance with the specific federal legislation, whether it concern the administrative penalties or the criminal punishments. The last Chapter 7 (Art. 49) contains final and transitory provisions . The entry into force of the law was postponed for 180 days after its official publication – till 26 June 2020. A three-year transition period has been fixed in which the name “Russian wine” will apply not only to the wine completely made from grapes grown on the territory of the Russian Federation, as required by the new dispositions, but also to the wine with added concentrated grape must or concentrated rectified grape must imported from abroad in percentage limited by the new law. The three-year period is peremptory and it will close definitively the bleak time of awkward immobility for the Russian wine-related agriculture and industry. The new law is applicable ex nunc, except for the legal relations arisen
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