Wine Law

16 wines", and little by little, based on quality, they could open up to the great international wine market. “… Wine exports have reached the market as a fact, the market can be forgiven for not knowing that Peru has a quality wine industry.” (Andean origins) From the angle of employment and the development of regional economies, it is important to maintain the wine industry given its capacity to generate employment- generating small businesses. Consequently, the challenges of the Peruvian wine industry in the coming years will require a serious commitment from both the producer, according to the current scenario that is explained, and the State, as the latter, legislate and regulate with measure so that the wine flourishes together with a right to Peruvian wine concordant with the just right. Conclusions • Disharmony between the policy decisions of the public sectors by deferring objectives of development, promotion and protection of wine with those of taxation. • The mixed tax on wine is detrimental to the clearance and growth of national wine, which is flooded by low-end wines, which reduces the competitiveness of national wine. • This situation favors a scenario of adulteration, informality, smuggling that undermines the wine market by advocating unfair competition. • There are few producers that export wine (some winners of international events) that invest in ID and produce high quality wine Recommendations • Agree the agricultural-wine-growing policies with the fiscal policy, harmonizing a fair and equitable tax. • Reformulate concrete actions of technological and commercial development for the production of high-end wine complying with international standards