Wine Law

founded in 1935, and the Asociación Vitivinícola Argentina , based in Buenos Aires, founded in 1904. With a system so vast and so complex, with many actors intervening, would it not be beneficial to form a mixed space where all interests can be articulated? The Argentine Wine Corporation (in Spanish, COVIAR) 7 is a public-private body of planning, coordination and collective action that seeks to optimise the action of all existing organisations and companies through networking. It expresses the initiative of the organised private sector, gives meaning to long-term sectoral development policies and builds consensus based on respect for the authority of arguments. Dependent on COVIAR is the Argentine Wine Observatory , a key institution and program to the activity, which aims to democratise the information on the activity and easily reach all sectors for free. It is worth mentioning the Viticultural Strategic Plan Argentina 2020 (in Spanish, PEVI), a collaboration between COVIAR, INTA and the National Institute of Viticulture. This Plan, today with a projection to 2030, has been designed to create value through the organisation and integration of the chain actors, the production of wines with higher quality and consistency in all segments and products, development of our export and negotiation capacity, market penetration and customer and consumer loyalty. Finally, at the international level, we find the big players and markets, fundamentally three – the Southern Common Market (in Spanish, Mercosur), the International Organisation of Vine andWine (known by the French acronym, OIV) 8 and the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG; in Spanish, GMCV) 9 . Regarding the first one, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay have a Mercosur Wine Regulation, GMC Resolution No. 45/96, which was adopted to our country through Resolution INV No. C. 01/96. The OIV, created in Paris, in 2001, and signed by 35 countries, including Argentina, is an intergovernmental organisation of a scientific-technical nature with recognised competence in the field of vineyards, wine, wine-based drinks, table grapes, raisins and other products derived from the vine. Finally, the WWTG is a group of wine-producing countries that includes Argentina, 7 Source : 8 Source : 9 Source : .