Wine Law
12 This Plan contributed to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy 27 and the common agricultural policy. Furthermore, as environmental protection was one of the essential objectives of organic production, it would also contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Seventh Environment Action Program until 2020 28 . Likewise, it addressed some of the problems detected during the analysis of the impact assessment that was carried out to review the EU's ecological policy 29 . As a basis for that analysis, an extensive process of consultation with a wide range of stakeholders was carried out and European citizens showed great interest in this topic (between January and April 2013, it received about 45,000 responses). In summary, of the new Plan, we can highlight the following sections: 1) Knowledge of the EU ecological regime and its logo . Information and promotional measures in the field of organic products can play an important role in developing market opportunities for those who produce them. In this sense, the policy applied by the European Union to information and promotion activities for agricultural products on the internal market and in third countries offers operators financing possibilities for campaigns that allow consumers to better understand the main aspects of the organic regime, the specific products that comply with the Union's organic production standards, the control system applied by the Union and its organic logo. Action 4) envisaged that the Commission would carry out a specific survey on consumer awareness of the EU organic farming scheme and on their understanding and trust in it; and action 5) that, before the end of 2015, the ecological public procurement criteria for food and restaurant services would be reviewed and specific information material prepared to explain the use of organic farming requirements in public procurement. 2) Research and innovation to overcome the challenges in ecological regulations. Organic production has become a highly specialized agricultural system that requires professional 27 COM (2010) 2020: " EUROPE 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth ". 28 Decision No 1386/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 20 November 2013, relative to the General Program of Action of the Union in the field of the Environment until 2020 “Living well, respecting the limits of our planet”. 29 The impact evaluation report is available at: ( accessed on 20 June 2020).
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