Wine Law

13 training, knowledge and specific technologies. In action 6) it was contemplated that the Commission will organize in 2015 a conference to determine the research and innovation priorities that producers have in relation to the challenges that could result from the future regulation of organic production; and in action 7) it was established that research would be promoted within the framework of the Horizon 2020 Program. 3) Monitoring and evaluation. The availability of statistical data is essential to shape, monitor and evaluate the application of the European Union's policy on organic production, particularly with regard to the knowledge of the productive sector, of the prices applied throughout the chain of supply of organic food, trade, consumer preferences and the specific marketing channels used for these products. Actions 8) and 9) contemplated the publication of periodic reports on organic production and analysis of the added value along the food supply chain. 4) Consumer confidence in the organic production regime of the European Union. Following the adoption of the new legal framework for accreditation and market surveillance in the European Union 30 , this instrument is key to demonstrate the technical competence of conformity assessment bodies. Within the Union, it is now a single national body acting as a public authority that is in charge of accreditation tasks. Within the framework of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, a working group was created with the specific task of dealing with issues related to the accreditation of organic sector control bodies. The work carried out by this group in close collaboration with the Commission has resulted in the adoption - and its application since January 2014 - of the document Guidelines on the use of EN 45011 and ISO / EC 17021 for Certification to EN ISO 3834 ”(Directives on the use of EN 45011 and ISO/EC 17021 for certification EN ISO 3834 31 ) binding for national accreditation bodies operating in this sector. In this area, Action 12) established that the Commission will develop, before 2015, an electronic certification system for imports as a module integrated into the Traces system 32 . 5) External dimension of organic production in the European Union. The strength of Union exports lies in finished products, both processed and unprocessed, ready for 30 Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008. 31 Source : ( accessed on 12 August 2020). 32 Source : ( accessed on 12 August 2020).