Wine Law

15 Organic production is a comprehensive agricultural management and food production system that combines best practices in terms of the environment and climate, a high level of biodiversity, the conservation of natural resources and the application of high production standards that respond to the demand, expressed by a growing number of consumers, for products obtained from natural substances and processes. In short, organic production is a sustainable management system that is based on the following general principles (art. 5): a) respect for natural systems and cycles and maintenance and improvement of the state of soil, water and air, the health of plants and animals, and the balance between them; b) conservation of elements of the natural landscape as places that are natural heritage; c) responsible use of energy and natural resources such as water, soil, organic matter and air; d) obtaining a wide variety of good quality food and other agricultural and aquaculture products that respond to consumer demand for products obtained through processes that do not harm the environment, human health, the health and well-being of animals or plant health; e) guaranteeing the integrity of organic production at each stage of production, preparation and distribution of food products and animal fodder. f) adequate design and management of biological processes based on ecological systems and that use natural resources of the management system, through methods that: o use living organisms and mechanical production methods; o develop crops linked to the soil and livestock production linked to the soil or aquaculture that respects the principle of sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources; and o exclude the use of GMOs, products obtained from GMOs and products obtained from GMOs, except for veterinary medications, o are based on risk assessment and the application of precautionary and preventive measures, if applicable; g) restriction of the use of external means; if external means are needed or if the appropriate management practices and methods mentioned in letter f) do not exist, the