Wine Law
16 external means will be limited to: o those from organic production, and for plant reproductive material priority will be given to varieties selected for their ability to meet the specific needs and objectives of organic farming; o natural substances or derived from natural substances; and o low solubility mineral fertilizers; h) adaptation of the production process, if necessary and within the framework of this Regulation, to take into account the health situation, regional differences in terms of ecological balance, local and climatic conditions, development stages and specific livestock practices; i) exclusion, in the entire organic food chain, of the cloning of animals, the rearing of artificially induced polyploid animals and the use of ionizing radiation; and j) maintenance of a high level of animal welfare that respects the needs of each species. Article 6 covers a list of specific principles applicable to agricultural activities and aquaculture that, in some cases, would be applied to the production of organic wine; specifically, the following: a) maintenance and improvement of life and natural soil fertility, stability, water retention and soil biodiversity, prevention of loss of organic matter, compaction and soil erosion and combating these phenomena, and nutrition of vegetables with nutrients that come mainly from the edaphic ecosystem; b) minimizing the use of non-renewable resources and external means; c) recycling waste and by-products of plant and animal origin as resources for plant and animal production; d) maintenance of good phytosanitary status through preventive measures, in particular the choice of suitable species, varieties or heterogeneous material that resist pests and diseases, appropriate crop rotations, mechanical and physical methods, and the protection of natural enemies of the pests; and f) Choice of plant varieties taking into account the particularities of specific organic production systems and paying special attention to agronomic results, resistance to diseases, adaptation to climatic and soil conditions.
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