Wine Law

17 This Regulation aims to provide the basis for the sustainable development of organic production and its positive effects on the environment, while ensuring the efficient functioning of the internal market for organic products and fair competition, thereby helping farmers obtain a fair income, guaranteeing consumer confidence, protecting consumer interests and favoring short distribution circuits and local production. These objectives must be achieved by complying with the above general and specific principles, as well as the processing standards applicable to organic production. 4.2. Wine production standards Organic wine must be subject to the applicable standards on processed organic food. However, since wine is a specific and important category of organic products, additional detailed production rules should be provided specifically for organic wine. It must be produced exclusively with organic raw materials and the addition of certain products and substances authorized in accordance with this Regulation. It is convenient to prohibit the use of certain oenological processes, practices and treatments in the production of this type of wine. Operators engaged in the production of products in the wine sector must comply, in particular, with the detailed production standards established in part VI (“Wine sector”) of Annex II. However, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 54 that modify: point 3.2 of Part VI of Annex II by adding new practices, processes and oenological treatments that are prohibited, or modifying said new elements; and point 3.3. of Part VI of Annex II. In addition to the general production rules established in articles 9, 10, 11, 16 and 18, the rules contemplated in this part shall apply to the organic production of the products of the wine sector referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, letter l), of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013. Unless explicitly provided otherwise in this part, Commission Regulation (EC) 606/2009, of 10 July, which lays down certain provisions for the application of Council Regulation (EC) 479/2008 in relation to the categories of viticultural products, oenological practices and applicable restrictions, and Commission Regulation (EC) 607/2009, of 14 July , which establishes certain provisions for the application of Council Regulation (EC) 479/2008 ,