Wine Law
21 d) both the sending operator and the consignee keep documentary records of such transport operations at the disposal of the control authority or control body. When receiving an ecological product or in conversion, the operator will check the closure of the packaging, container or vehicle whenever necessary and the presence of the aforementioned indications. When organic or in-conversion products are imported from a third country, they will be transported in suitable containers or packaging, whose closure system prevents the substitution of their content, and provided with the identification of the exporter and any other brand and number that serves to identify the batch, and will be accompanied by the certificate of control for imports from third countries, where appropriate. If an organic or in-conversion product imported from a third country is received, the natural or legal person to whom the imported shipment is delivered and who receives it for further preparation or marketing, will check the closure of the packaging or container 37 . Finally, product storage areas must be managed in such a way as to guarantee the identification of batches and prevent any mixing or contamination with products or substances that do not comply with organic production standards. When operators handle organic, in-conversion or non-organic products in any combination and the organic or in-conversion products are stored in facilities where other agricultural or food products are also stored, they will have to comply with the following measures: a) They will be kept separate from other agricultural or food products; b) All necessary measures shall be taken to guarantee the identification of shipments and to avoid mixtures or exchanges of organic, in-conversion and non-organic products; and c) the appropriate cleaning measures will have been applied, the effectiveness of which will have been verified before the storage of the organic or in-conversion products, and the operators will keep records of these operations. 37 In the case of products imported in accordance with article 45, section 1, letter b), subsection iii), it will verify that the control certificate mentioned in said article covers the type of product included in the shipment. The result of this check shall be explicitly mentioned in the records referred to in article 34, section 5.
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