Wine Law

5 In the eighties, several European countries began to recognize organic farming within their national agricultural programs, as was the case in France in 1980, when it was incorporated into the Agricultural Guidance Law and, a few years later, Denmark, in 1987. In Spain , the approval of the Regulation of the Generic Denomination "ecological agriculture" and its Regulatory Council, is created by Ministerial Order , 4 October 1989, beginning the activities in 1991 with more than 200 affiliates 10 . 2.1. The first European Regulation on organic farming (1991) The great boom that organic farming had taken and the numerous reports on the negative impact on the rural environment that “intensivist” agriculture was producing, led the European Union to approve Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 of 24 June 11 , by which organic agricultural production is regulated, based on the standards prepared in advance by IFOAM. This regulation, in addition to recognizing organic farming as a viable system, compatible with the preservation of the environment and sustainable farming, and establishing the regulations to be adopted in the production process, established a horizontal aid scheme (agri-environmental aids), in which organic farming was included. 2.2. The Action Plan on organic food and agriculture. In 2004, Communication COM (2004) 415 final, from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament 12 , addresses the European Action Plan on organic food and 10 Naredo, J. M. (1991). La agricultura ecológica , Cuaderno nº 3, BCA, Madrid. 11 DO L 198 de 22.7.1991. 12 DOUE of 10 June 2004.