Wine Law
which would take up a good part of the screen, thus forcing someone to read the advertisement before accessing the site and its content. In contrast, the second category is more difficult to define because the notion of intrusive is more complex and is subjective. Under these conditions the promotion of wine on the internet by means of banners or e- mailing is tricky because it is difficult to remain completely objective and not to present the wine from a positive angle. On the other hand, the following is prohibited: - any sponsorship operation when its object or effect is publicity or advertising, directly or indirectly, in favour of alcoholic beverages; - giving, distributing or sending to minors leaflets, blotters, notebook covers or any other object naming an alcoholic drink, or by extolling the merits or bearing the brand or the name of the manufacturer of such a drink 69 . To conclude, communicating about wine is becoming more and more complex. The relaxation of collective advertising on wine continues to be questioned by the hygienism movement in France, mainly represented by the National Association for Prevention in Alcohology and Addictology (ANPAA) 70 , which hostility is ever present either through its actions in justice, or through its website 71 . The promotion of wine outside the framework of an appellation of origin is even more difficult to achieve, which amounts to saying that there is a second "French paradox": the virtual impossibility of promoting wines in France! For this reason, here are the general principles proposed by the ARPP to promote wine: - No commercial communication should encourage excessive consumption or constitute a criticism of abstinence or sobriety. 69 Art L.3323-5 of the Public Health Code 70 Association recognised as being of public utility and financed by public funds directly matched by the State or communities. 71 Insights N ° 35- Self-regulation of alcohol companies’ business practices: Effectiveness or decoy? »Posted on its website and dated 26 February 2019; “Evin and packaging law: the judge bans lipstick” posted online in spring 2019 for which the ARPP responded to these attacks considered unfounded and not in accordance with the missions of this association, see: attacks-from-anpaa.
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