Wine Law

A) European legislation European institutions have issued normative instruments aimed at protecting the rights of consumers and users regardless of where they reside or travel or where they carry out legal and commercial operations within the territory of the European Union. Thus, one can cite Directive 98/27/EC, of the Parliament and of the Council, of 19 May 1998, relating to injunctions in matters of protection of consumer interests, as well as Articles 114 and 169 TFEU, which seek to ensure that all Union consumers enjoy a common and effective level of protection against risks and threats to their security and economic interests, as well as reaction and defense mechanisms against possible attacks on such rights. A very important part of consumer rights is related to health, and it is not for nothing that Community policies include health promotion among their objectives, and especially protecting citizens against health threats 24 . At this point, and with regard to the adulteration of beverages, it is important to bring up Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 3 December 2001, on the general safety of products, which establishes a system of general product safety by virtue of which any consumer product that has been marketed has to comply with certain rules regarding the provision of information to consumers, measures to avoid security risks, security control of the product and traceability. The European Union has an information exchange system between the Member States and the Commission, called RAPEX (Rapid Exchange of Information System), which is effective when a product constitutes a serious threat that requires immediate immobilisation measures. At this same information site, mention should also be made of the European Consumer Centers Network (Red CEC), which offers information and assists consumers in cross- border transactions. Likewise, with regard to information in distance sales contracts and contracts negotiated outside commercial establishments, Directive 2011/83/EU, on consumer rights, regulates 24 Source :