Wine Law

relationship. Based on this premise, the consumer of alcoholic beverages is inexcusably assisted by the rights listed in Article 8 TRLDCU, which in addition are inalienable (Art. 10): “a) Protection against risks that may affect your health or safety; b) The protection of their legitimate economic and social interests; in particular against unfair commercial practices and the inclusion of abusive clauses in contracts; c) Compensation for damages and reparation for damages suffered; d) Correct information about the different goods or services and education and dissemination to facilitate knowledge about their proper use, consumption or enjoyment; e) The hearing in consultation, participation in the procedure for preparing the general provisions that directly affect them and the representation of their interests, through legally constituted associations, groups, federations or confederations of consumers and users; f) The protection of their rights through effective procedures, especially in situations of inferiority, subordination and defenselessness”. Aware of the risks to the health of the goods that are the object of consumption, the legislator has foreseen the general duty that the goods must meet a general duty to be safe (Art. 11), in the sense that under conditions of use normal or reasonably foreseeable, including their duration, do not present any risk to the health or safety of people, or only the minimum risks compatible with the use of the good or service and considered admissible within a high level of protection of health and safety of people. Consequently, the entrepreneurs will inform the consumer and user in advance, by appropriate means, of the risks that may arise from a foreseeable use of the goods and services, taking into account their nature, characteristics, duration and the people to whom they are intended. , in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 and applicable regulations (Art. 12). Even chemical products and all articles that contain substances classified as dangerous in their composition must be packaged with the proper safety guarantees and visibly bear the appropriate indications that warn of the risk of handling. Likewise, the seller of alcoholic beverages is subject to the duties of any employer, which relates to Article 13: