Wine Law
“a) The prohibition of having or storing products that are not permitted or prohibited by regulation, in the premises or facilities for the production, transformation, storage or transport of food or beverages. b) Maintaining the necessary control so that the origin, distribution, destination and use of potentially unsafe goods, those containing substances classified as dangerous or those subject to traceability obligations, can be verified quickly and effectively. c) The prohibition of home sales of beverages and food, without prejudice to the distribution, distribution or supply of those purchased or ordered by consumers and users in commercial establishments authorized for sale to the public, and the authorisation regime for direct home sales that have been traditionally practiced in certain areas of the national territory. d) Compliance with the regulations established by local entities or, where appropriate, the autonomous communities on the cases, modalities and conditions in which the itinerant sale of beverages and food may be carried out. e) The prohibition of supplying goods that lack the mandatory security marks or the minimum data that allow identifying the person responsible for the good. f) The obligation to withdraw, suspend or recover from consumers and users, through effective procedures, any good or service that does not comply with the conditions and requirements or that, for any other reason, poses a foreseeable risk to health or safety of people. g) The prohibition of importing products that do not comply with the provisions of this standard and provisions that develop it. h) The control requirements of manufactured products that may affect the physical safety of people, paying due attention to repair and maintenance services in this regard. i) The prohibition of using ingredients, materials and other elements likely to generate risks for the health and safety of people. In particular, the prohibition of using such materials or elements in the construction of houses and premises for public use”. As it will also be necessary to take into account, as an administrative intervention mechanism, that the detection of adulterated alcoholic beverages mobilises the Administration in the terms of Article 15 TRLDCU. In this sense, and in situations of risk
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