Wine Law

to the health and safety of consumers and users, the competent public administrations may adopt the measures that are necessary and proportionate to eliminate the risk, including direct intervention on things and direct compulsion on people. In these cases, all the expenses that are generated will be borne by the person who originated them with their conduct, regardless of the sanctions that, if applicable, may be imposed. The levying of such expenses and penalties may be carried out through the administrative enforcement procedure. Public Administrations, taking into account the nature and severity of the risks detected, may inform affected consumers and users by the most appropriate means in each case about the existing risks or irregularities, the affected good or service and, where appropriate, the measures adopted, as well as the appropriate precautions, both to protect themselves from the risk and to obtain their collaboration in the elimination of its causes. Those responsible for coordinating state information exchange systems integrated into European alert systems will forward the communications they receive to the customs authorities when, according to the information provided in the communications, the alerted products or services come from third countries. . Finally, exceptionally, in situations of extreme gravity that determine an indiscriminate attack on the health and safety of consumers and users in more than one autonomous community, the Government may constitute, during the time necessary to make the situation cease, a body in the one that the affected autonomous communities integrate and actively participate, which will assume the administrative powers entrusted to it to guarantee the health and safety of the people, their economic and social interests, the repair of the damages suffered, the requirement of responsibilities and the publication of the results (Art. 16). III.2. Indication of the alcoholic degree The indication of the alcoholic strength of the drink in question is also part of the rights of consumers of alcoholic beverages, so that an erroneous or fraudulent indication logically harms the health of the consumer.