Wine Law

The modalities for specifying the alcoholic strength by volume will be determined, with respect to the products corresponding to tariff heading 22.04 (wine made from fresh grapes, including fortified wines, grape must, except that of heading 20.09), by the mandatory rules of the European Community or the Spanish legal system itself. IV. Conclusions From all of the above, it is necessary to conclude that the consumer of alcoholic beverages is at a crossroads between personal freedom to acquire such goods and the limitations that the legal system imposes for reasons of public health. Even so, and despite such limitations – which fundamentally affect minors, sporting events, public health, road safety and advertising –, as a consumer, those who choose alcoholic beverages have rights as a consumer by which the system must inexcusably watch over. Consequently, it is assisted by the rights contemplated by European and national legislation, precisely and even more so because they affect their individual health, which can be seriously damaged in the event of a fraudulent composition of the alcoholic beverage. In this sense, and although the authorities discourage alcohol consumption, at the same time, they must ensure the rights of such consumers, in accordance with the legal instruments that are generally available to consumers. Bibliography ARAGÓN REYES, M. Artículo 1. In CASAS BAAMONDE, M. E. & RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑEIRO Y BRAVO-FERRER, M. (Dirs.) Comentarios a la Constitución Española. XXX Aniversario . Wolters Kluwer. Madrid, 2008, pp. 25-52. BAUZÁ MARTORELL, F. J. La presunción de culpa en el funcionamiento de los servicios públicos . Civitas Thomson Reuters. CIzur Menor, 2017. CAZORLA PRIERO, L. & ARNALDO ALCUBILLA, E. Temas de derecho constitucional y derecho administrativo . Marcial Pons. Madrid, 1988. GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, E. Estudios sobre autonomías territoriales . Civitas. Madrid, 1985.