Wine Law
form of organic law and, therefore, is approved first by the autonomous legislative assembly and ultimately by the Cortes Generales . Due to this concurrent system of the autonomous and state legislative powers, the statutes are also known as agreed norms 8 . Finally, LBRL lists in its Articles 25 and 26 the competences attributed to the municipalities and the provinces, respectively. To a greater extent, other matters revolve around the consumption of alcoholic beverages – the protection of children, sports, the prevention of drug addiction, advertising, etc. –, which require paying attention to the competences of each one of them, so that the operator legal system is going to be led into a complex and heterogeneous network of sources of law. The result of all this is that the normative regulation or, where appropriate, the management and execution of a matter will reside competently in one of the three levels of Administration in our country. As far as we are concerned, the legal protection of the consumer of alcoholic beverages, each matter that affects them (minors, sport or other) will be regulated by special or sectoral regulations, which, in turn, will be the responsibility of one Administration or another. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the title of competence in each case. II.2. Sector limitations A) Minors The legal regime of minors constitutes an autonomous competence in our country, as confirmed by the fact that this matter appears in the list of exclusive autonomous powers of the autonomy statutes 9 . However, the State, based on Article 39 SC – which refers to 8 SANTAMARÍA PASTOR, J. A. Principios de Derecho Administrativo . Iustel. 5 th edition. Volume I. Madrid, 2018, p. 325. 9 See Article 30(39) of Organic Law 1/2007, of 28 February, reforming the Statute of Autonomy of the Balearic Islands, developed by Law 9/2019, 19 February, on the care and rights of children and adolescents in the Illes Balears, and by Law 7/2015, 10 April, which establishes the regulatory framework for the personal autonomy processes of minors who have been subjected to a protection or reform measure. See Articles 142 and 166(3) of Organic Law 6/2006, of 19 July, reforming the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, developed by Law 14/2010, 27 May, on rights and opportunities in childhood and adolescence. See Article 10.39 of Organic Law 3/1979, of 18 December, on the Statute of Autonomy for the Basque Country. See Article 61(3) of Organic Law 2/2007, of 19 March, reforming the Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia, developed by Law 1/1998, 20 April, on the Rights and Care of Minors. See also Article 27(23) of the Organic
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