Wine Law

B) Sports In Spain, sports are, once again, a shared responsability between the State and the Autonomous Communities, without prejudice to the municipal competence in the promotion of sport and sports facilities [Art. 25(2)(l) LBRL]. In order to eradicate aggressive and violent behavior on the occasion of public attendance at sporting events (both inside and outside sports facilities we blush witness to wild attacks between rival hobbies), the General Courts approved Law 19/2007, of 11 July, against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, which was developed through Royal Decree 203/2010, of 26 February, which approves the Regulation of prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport. The concern of the European authorities about violence in sports is not new, and, in fact, Law 19/2007 is framed within the context of the European Convention on violence and attacks by spectators on the occasion of sporting events – and especially football matches –, which occurred in Strasbourg on 19 August 1985, and signed by Spain on 3 February 1986 16 . Moreover, this Law was issued on a basic basis for the entire national territory according to Articles 149(1)(3) (international relations) and 149.1.29 (public safety) of the Spanish Constitution. Furthermore, its basic character, as we say, does not prevent the Autonomous Communities from having normatively developed these provisions in their territorial areas 17 . Its Article 4 prohibits the introduction, sale and consumption of all kinds of alcoholic beverages and toxic drugs, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in facilities where sports competitions are held. It also establishes that the containers of the beverages that are sold or introduced in the facilities where sports events are held must meet the 16 The instrument of ratification of this Convention by the Head of State of Spain is dated 22 June 1987 and was published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado of 13 August 1987. 17 Article 94(c) of Law 3/2019, of 25 February, on Physical-Sports Activity of Castilla y León, which qualifies as a minor offense the introduction into facilities where sports competitions are held of all kinds of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances or alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, this Law repeals Law 2/2003, of 28 March, on Sports in Castilla y León, which it classified as a serious offense in its Article 81(4)(h) the introduction or sale within the facilities or other places where competitions or sporting events are held of all kinds of alcoholic beverages, as well as sparklers or fireworks. Consequently, it should be noted that in that Community the introduction of alcoholic beverages into sports venues has gone from being a serious to a minor offense. Vine, likewise, Article 116(e) and (i) of Law 5/2016, of 19 July, on Sports in Andalusia; Article 73(g) of Legislative Decree 1/2000, of 31 July, approving the Single Text of the Sports Law; and Art. 86(1)(g) of Law 1/2019, of 30 January, on physical activity and sport in the Canary Islands.