Wine Law
South America Countries have adopted mainly the same rules in relation to advertise alcohol to the public in general. Brazil has a special law 38 that imposes advertisers to be clear about the harmless of the consumption of the advertised product, as well as limit the broadcast timeframe between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. at radio and television. Brazilian law, however, considers only beverages with more than 13 Gay Lussac in alcohol 39 , that is the main reason allowing beer industries to patronage sports, like footballs events. The principal Brazilian guide for alcohol advertisements is not at the law, but at the rules of the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONAR) 40 , classifying alcohol beverages in 3 layers: “those usually taken during meals, and thus called meal beverages (like Beers, Wines); other alcoholic beverages, either fermented, distilled, rectified or obtained by mixture (usually served in doses) and the category of ices, coolers, alcohol pops, ready to drink, alternatives and similar, in which the alcoholic beverage is presented in a mixture with water, juice or soft drink”. Wine advertisements must follow the principles established in CONAR’s rules, the first one dealing with the protection to children and adolescent. The advertising shall not have children and adolescents as target public. In view of such principle, the advertisers and agencies shall adopt special caution in the preparation of their marketing strategies and in the structuring of their advertising messages. Accordingly: a) children and adolescents shall not appear, in any manner, in the advertisements; any person appearing in the ad shall be and look older than 25. b) the advertisement shall be exclusively addressed to adult public, and no indulgence as regards such principle shall be accepted. Accordingly, the content of the advertisement shall make clear that the product is improper for consumption by minors. The advertisement shall not contain any language, expressions, graphic and audiovisual resources recognizably inherent to the infantile and juvenile’s universe, such as “humanised” animals, characters or animations that may call the attention or 38 Law 9294/96, Article 3(2). 39 Law 9294/96, Article 1(1); Law Gay Lussac, corresponding to the volume of alcohol in 100ml, available at, accessed on 30 April 2020. 40 CONAR’s Board/ Resolution 01./08 - Annex A, available a t, accessed on 30 April 2020.
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