Wine Law

sales of alcohol create employment and generate considerable income for economic operators and tax revenue for governments at different levels”, but, despite such recognition, and in order to balance different interests, the organisation presents, in relation to the promotion of alcohol, the following Guiding principles: a. Public policies and interventions; b. Policies should be equitable and sensitive to national, religious and cultural contexts; c. All involved parties have the responsibility to act; d. Public health should be given proper deference in relation to competing interests and approaches that support that direction should be promoted; e. Protection of populations at high risk of alcohol-attributable harm and those exposed to the effects of harmful drinking by others should be an integral part of policies addressing the harmful use of alcohol; f. Individuals and families affected by the harmful use of alcohol should have access to affordable and effective prevention and care services; g. Children, teenagers and adults who choose not to drink alcohol beverages have the right to be supported in their non-drinking behavior and protected from pressures to drink; and h. Public policies and interventions to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm should encompass all alcoholic beverages and surrogate alcohol. In order to achieve those principles, ten recommended target areas have been selected, among which, four are directly related to wine promotion: “(d) drink-driving policies and countermeasures; (e) availability of alcohol; (f) marketing of alcoholic beverages; and, (g) pricing policies”. Following the WHO recommendations, Professor Vicki Waye 18 rearranged the list of restrictions on wine promotion: “ Consequently, like the restriction upon health claims that may be made about wine, driven by public health and welfare concerns, general constrains upon the marketing and sale of wine apply in almost all jurisdictions. The restrictions may take several forms: 1. Restrictions on sales outlets 18 Harvey, Matt & Waye, Vicki (orgs. and eds.), Global Wine Law Regulation , 2014, Thomson Reuters, Chapter 8, p. 168, ISBN: 978-0-455-230573.