Wine Law

18 Wines whose label or presentation did not conform to the corresponding conditions as laid down in Regulation No 607/2009 were not to be marketed in the Community or exported. Although, where the wines concerned are to be exported, Member States may allow that particulars, which conflict with labelling rules as provided for by Community legislation, appear on the label of wines for export, when they are required by the legislation of the third country concerned. These particulars may appear in languages other than the official Community languages. Article 40 of Regulation No 2019/33 35 provides now that the compulsory particulars referred to in article 119 of Regulation No 1308/2013 (except for references to ingredients that may cause allergies or intolerances, in this case, sulphites/sulfites, and the lot number) shall appear in the same field of vision on the container, in such a way as to be simultaneously legible without having to turn the container, in indelible characters 36 and shall be clearly distinguishable from surrounding text or graphics. In no way shall the consumer be misled by the indications on the label. Here, the European lawmaker introduces a “consumer-friendly concept”: the size of the characters of the compulsory particulars must be equal to or bigger than 1.2 mm, regardless of the character format used. Regarding any labelling indicating sulphite (either sulphites, sulfites, sulphur dioxide or sulfur dioxide) must preceded by the term “contains” and may be accompanied by the use of a pictogram. 2.5. Bottler, producer, importer and vendor As already mentioned, the names of the bottler or producer and vendor or importer, depending on the case, shall appear in the same field of vision, in such a way as not to 35 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 of 17 October 2018 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards applications for protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms in the wine sector, the objection procedure, restrictions of use, amendments to product specifications, cancellation of protection, and labelling and presentation. 36 In other words, characters incapable of being easily erased or obliterated by the vendor.